10 Secrets to Becoming a Year Younger This Year…

If you’re looking for information on how you can live a healthier life in the coming year, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will find 10 HEALTHY LIVING HABITS that you can adopt easily.


10 Secrets to Becoming a Year Younger This Year…
1. Manage Stress.

Stress affects our health in a very negative way. It lowers your immune system, deprives you of sleep and even increases your risk of heart attack. If you’re looking for a way to cultivate your healthy living habit, learning how to manage stress should be on top of your “to-do” list.

2. Drink Plenty of Water.

Yes, perhaps you’ve heard about this millions of times now, but it’s still worth mentioning. You will be amazed that most people don’t drink enough water everyday… they prefer to drink soda and beer. Water plays a very important role in helping to cleanse your body internally. So, drinking plenty of water is a healthy living habit you simply MUST cultivate.

3. Regular Exercise.

Adding exercise to your day adds years to your life. You don’t have to run a marathon or become iron man triathletes. Just walking for 30 minutes a day is an excellent start! Believe me, if you exercise regularly, you will always have positive energy, feel better and healthier. Exercise helps you sleep better at night and have more energy in the morning.


4. Take Multi-Vitamins.

A well balanced diet is excellent. However, a multi-vitamin is an excellent tool for a little extra insurance. Plus, it’s an easy thing to add to your daily routine.

5. Eat More Fruits and Veggies.

It goes without saying that eating your fruits and veggies is good for your health. Add one extra serving of fruits and veggies to your day and begin living a healthier life.


6. Eat Less Saturated Fat.

Instead of ordering a burger or a steak at dinner, consider chicken or fish. It’s a simple, yet delicious solution.


7. Eat Less Sugar.

Sugar causes a rapid rise in blood sugar and a general feeling of well being. But the bad news is that it also causes a rapid drop in blood sugar and a feeling of no energy. Then you eat more sugar and the cycle repeats itself. The highs and lows of sugar level in your blood can wreak havoc your body. The solution, eat less sugar. If you do choose to have a sugary snack, eat it with a protein so your body’s metabolism remains more stable. Another idea: replace refined sugar with a more natural sweetener (i.e. stevia, real maple syrup, agave nectar). Whatever you choose, moderation is key.


8. Take Fish Oil.

Fish oil and omega 3 fatty acids help reduce cholesterol and protect your brain against degenerative diseases. It also helps to reduce inflammation in our bodies.


9. Visit Your Doctor for Regular Checkups.

If you’re over 30, having a regular checkup is a good healthy living habit. This is your preventive measure for early detection of any serious illness and taking swift actions for treatment.


10. Laugh More Often.

Laughter and smiling are important healthy living habits to cultivate. Laughter reduces stress and puts you in a positive frame of mind. Our physiology can have a big impact on our physical and mental well being and also our emotion. If you approach your life with fun and laughter, you’re not only going to enjoy it but also stress less. You’ll be making your body and mind healthier each day.

These are simple, yet effective ways to not only feel and look younger this year, but your body will actually BE younger and healthier!